Monday, June 15, 2015

Introduction-How it started


And welcome to my blog about online dating!!
I am the "Undercover Bachelorette".
Come enjoy the view of my dating life through my eyes. I have a belief that people,..especially women should openly date multiple men to keep options open. Some may see that as promiscuous or whoreish...I prefer to see it as being FREE of all of the labels that have stifled women for years, and have caused them be hurt in the long run. I don't necessarily condone or advocate sleeping around however with multiples..however if you do..its your choice and remember to protect yourself!


Looking forward to sharing with you my experience for the past year with multiple dates with several different guys. All names and locations, have been changed to protect identities.
Some Hot and some NOT!
So sit back and enjoy the ride!!!

First Blog is already posted!