Thursday, July 23, 2015

Skipping Around -New Date Alert

Veering off the script here a little and out of chronological order!
I'm suppose to be giving you my accounts of my dating marathon from last year. .but I must interrupt that to tell you about my newest member of my dating circus..>>>spoiler alert. ...since I'm newly single..again.

So!. I'm back on the dating scene!! #exciting.... well kinda..sorta...
Anyway met this great guy on a popular free site. On day one we talked for a Collective 10 freaking hours!!! A record for me..for Sure!...
Average profile pic, but I could see he had a nice style about himself.  No crazy lip biting pic, or shirt off trying to show his muscles...just a nice simple manly picture. Profile statement was short sweet and to the point.  So after we messaged each other a few times early a couple mornings ago, he asked if he could call, and the 10 hour marathon began! He's self employed,  as I we both were off. The conversations just flowed,  from one topic to the next, and then sub topics... and then sub sub! Needless to say we are both talkers! By that evening a date had been planned !. He lives about an hour or do away, so we tried to just plan dinner and just some nice quality "get to know you" in person kind of date.
So here we are yesterday talking a few times throughout the day leading up to our time of meeting. He ended up being about 45 min late, because there was an accident on the intersate. Go figure!. But I didn't feel aggravated at all about it, and didn't think I should pin that against him.
I always wear something simpe, with light makeup. Just enough to be pretty and enhanced. Nothing too flirty with the clothing. Just a cute top,  jeans and flats. Why flats? Because I'm 5'11 and if the profile reads , 6'0-6'1..I just rather keep in safe zone and not show up towering over a guy in my 3-4 inch heels. And I'm not a big heels wearer it's a good mental excuse..ha!
So I get to the restaurant first,  because I like to see them before they see me, so I can do a quick physical assessment. I'm checking for his walk, how he's dressed and if he looks like his pictures. 
I remember last year I went on a date with a guy, had great conversation, nice voice. Nice profile pic..great profile statement.  We meet up, he comes right in gives me a great hug...and we proceed to the table. We look at each other, he smiled. ..And WHOA!!!! His TEETH. .looked like a piranha and a shark had mated! Geez louise!!!! I mean How did I NOT see this??? Oh.....
He did not have one pic on his profile with him smiling!.. duh.
So now I make it a point to only accept the profiles I can actually see teeth!
OK OK. ..back to last nite..
So I see him walking across the parking lot from inside the restaurant waiting area...and the initial was already good.  Nice jeans, nice simple shirt but stylishly put together.  And he wore a hat...not a baseball cap. But a Kangol style, for those of you 35 &over. .. I like.  So far!
He walks through the door, with his eyes immediately darting the room looking for me, I stand up and we hug. "Nice hugger," I thought.  Right away however I realized, his 6'1 profile, was merely exaggerated.  Either that or he had shrunk an inch!. I actually mentioned it later on in the date..and he said.."year u know, I think I shrunk,"! And in his defense, anatomically speaking,  this could very well be true, since he is 48.
All in all, he was very attractive in person, and I noticed he talked with a slight lisp.  Not a deal breaker. He also had a nice gap in his teeth,  that made you think of Michael Strahan. 
The restaurant food was AMAZING!
We had a nice glass of wine, and just talked, talked talked. We definitely have a lot in common,  and minus the height issue, he has a great chance of becoming a potential long term...
We closed out with a nice long walk and Italian Ice, in the area of strip mall where we had dinner. Date lasted from 6:45p till about 10:30p. We gave each other a lingering hug. But he was a perfect gentlemen, and didnt attempt a kiss. Although he could've and I would've been OK with it. 😉
Pretty good for a first date I would say. We talked a little on his commute back to his city, and hour away in another state. 
On a scale from 1-10 I gave it a strong 7-7.5.
Why not a 10. Honestly the height thing is kinda a internal issue for me,...I KNOW I need to get over it. But then there was a moment of slight awkwardness,  because there was no real plan after dinner, so we kinda walked around aimlessly, and it was hot.  Guess I was hoping he would've took the initiative to plan for us..But then again he was traveling to uncharted territory.  Had he indeed done so, that would gave him an automatic 3 cool points! Bringing that scale up!

Stay tuned for the update on this guy. AND for more stories from last year's circus. ...👀💋💋💋
Till next time!

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